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Listen to voices from the waiting line at Bethel’s 1A Coastal Conference Basketball Tournament.
Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to recover. Researchers are examining disease and nutrition to understand why.
The bill’s sponsor called it a “wonderful compromise.” It boosts the largest part of the state’s public school funding formula by $1,000.
Experts say Medicaid cuts would drive more Alaskans to emergency care, increase health care costs for all, and could harm the state's economy.
Steven Smith, 58, has been charged with multiple felonies after Alaska State Troopers say they found cocaine and methamphetamine in a Pringles can following a traffic stop on the Kuskokwim Ice Road.
Three former employees with the National Weather Service, U.S. Forest Service and NOAA Fisheries share their stories.
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In Bethel, the 2024-2025 season has been the sixth mildest winter in 101 years of climate records, according to data from the National Weather Service.
Fans nearly blew the top off the Warrior Dome for the championship matches of the 37th annual 1A Coastal Conference basketball tournament in Bethel on March 3.
The ex-Alaska congresswoman and her former chief of staff are working at Holland & Hart, a law firm and lobbying practice with offices in Anchorage and Washington, D.C.
Nunacuarni school district-aat akikiterkaat kitugutkanun state-amek kingunengqelartuq. Taugam allrakut yuinaq talliman cipluki, Alaska-mi alerquuciurcet nallungualarait amlleret ikayungcaucet elitnaurvignek nunamta nutem yukekain elitnaurviit.
Narrowed gaps between provider reimbursements and medical costs and an aging population with more health problems are expected cost drivers, lawmakers are told.
Troopers said that 74-year-old Sophie Mann was located deceased on the morning of March 1 after reportedly leaving her home without adequate gear the prior evening.
Unalaska's U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit is investigating a fishing vessel that ran aground near Iliuliuk Bay. The F/V Northern Endurance was partially beached about three miles from downtown Unalaska, near Little Priest Rock on Thursday and was pulled free by the emergency response and salvage company Resolve Marine Friday morning around 9 a.m., according to Commanding Officer Lt. Lawrence Schalles.
Unangam Tunuu is taught in only a handful of classes in the public school system, and outside these sessions, the language is seldom spoken in everyday conversation. The struggle on St. Paul mirrors trends across Alaska. A 2024 report from the Alaska Native Language Preservation and Advisory Council, a legislative council that advises the governor's office, found that all of the state’s Indigenous languages are critically endangered, with some spoken by fewer than a dozen people.
Unalaska High School junior Cache Henning came within one point of winning the Alaska state wrestling title for the 130-pound weight class last weekend. Henning faced Mt. Edgecumbe wrestler Elden Andrew in the championship match at the Alaska Airlines Center in Anchorage. Despite the narrow loss, Unalaska Head Coach Rainier Marquez said Henning’s second-place finish is a major accomplishment.
In the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, where evergreen trees can be sparse, the region has its own ways of ringing in the holiday season.
Yup'ik Word of the Week
Hosted by Mathew Hunter
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Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Diane McEachern
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