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A report from the Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center estimates milder breakup flooding due to low snowpack and warmer-than-normal winter temperatures.
The district says it has taken steps to ensure better protection after the social security numbers of more than 12,000 students were downloaded by an unknown entity in December 2024.
Listen to voices from the waiting line at Bethel’s 1A Coastal Conference Basketball Tournament.
Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to recover. Researchers are examining disease and nutrition to understand why.
The bill’s sponsor called it a “wonderful compromise.” It boosts the largest part of the state’s public school funding formula by $1,000.
Experts say Medicaid cuts would drive more Alaskans to emergency care, increase health care costs for all, and could harm the state's economy.
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With seconds to go, Warriors senior George Lee came up with an offensive rebound putback that brought the Warriors to victory.
Mushers began crossing the finish line of the 2025 Bogus Creek 150 sled dog race in quick succession early Sunday morning, just 16 hours after their departure upriver in a mass start on Saturday.
Musher Mike Williams Jr. of Akiak surged to the front of the race in the first half and held on to win his second Bogus Creek 150 title nearly 20 years after his first.
Williams Jr. and his 10 dogs made the run up to the race’s sole checkpoint in 6 hours and 29 minutes and arrived at Bogus Creek at 9:29 p.m., 7 minutes ahead of defending Bogus Creek 150 champion Raymond Alexie of Kwethluk, who arrived at Bogus Creek at 9:36 p.m.
Sixteen mushers are on the trail for the 150-mile run from Bethel to Bogus Creek and back. It’s a deep field, with six former champions in the mix, as well as a handful of race rookies.
The mass start of the 2025 Bogus Creek 150 will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22.
After three long days of jury selection in Unalaska, court officials will return to Anchorage to restart their search and begin the trial for a young man involved in a fatal 2019 car crash. Superior Court Judge Thomas Matthews told the court Friday afternoon that after questioning around 100 people this week, they could not find enough local impartial jurors.
Officials with the U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) told state and federal officials last month that they would be interested in expanding military access on Adak Island. The announcement was made during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Feb. 13, after Sen. Dan Sullivan pressed federal officials to strengthen military presence in Alaska.
The road would give King Cove residents access to potentially life-saving medical care, but it could threaten key subsistence species and create a dangerous precedent.
The U.S. Coast Guard removed a crewmember from a Norwegian cargo vessel roughly 240 nautical miles southwest of Unalaska Wednesday.A rescue coordination center in Norway contacted the Coast Guard around 7 p.m. Tuesday, requesting a medical evacuation of a sick crewmember on board the Fermita.
Yup'ik Word of the Week
Hosted by Mathew Hunter
Hosted by Diane McEachern
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Diane McEachern
Hosted by Ryan Cotter
Hosted by Gabby Salgado