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A report from the Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center estimates milder breakup flooding due to low snowpack and warmer-than-normal winter temperatures.
The district says it has taken steps to ensure better protection after the social security numbers of more than 12,000 students were downloaded by an unknown entity in December 2024.
Listen to voices from the waiting line at Bethel’s 1A Coastal Conference Basketball Tournament.
Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to recover. Researchers are examining disease and nutrition to understand why.
The bill’s sponsor called it a “wonderful compromise.” It boosts the largest part of the state’s public school funding formula by $1,000.
Experts say Medicaid cuts would drive more Alaskans to emergency care, increase health care costs for all, and could harm the state's economy.
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Steven Smith, 58, has been charged with multiple felonies after Alaska State Troopers say they found cocaine and methamphetamine in a Pringles can following a traffic stop on the Kuskokwim Ice Road.
Three former employees with the National Weather Service, U.S. Forest Service and NOAA Fisheries share their stories.
The Bethel Warriors boys and girls basketball squads have reached the end of the line for the 2025 season following a valiant effort over the weekend at the 3A Western Conference Championships in Nome.
Bethel’s local sprint mushing club has hosted four races over the past week, and two familiar names came out on top.
Between resignations, firings, and paperwork errors, at least 23 of the roughly 200 people in the National Weather Service's Alaska offices are no longer with the agency, a union source said.
The Alaska Moravian Church has begun the process of removing the remnants of the historic orphanage and boarding school near Kwethluk. This week, a small group of church members set fire to the main structures on the site, a move they say was overdue.
There will be no jury selection next week in the criminal trial involving a fatal 2019 Unalaska car crash. It is the fourth time jury selection has been moved, one of many delays in the roughly five-year case.
The National Weather Service has issued a special weather statement for the Eastern Aleutians and Alaska Peninsula. According to the organization, small amounts of ashfall are possible in Unalaska, Nikolski, Sand Point and Cold Bay through Monday afternoon.
Two women who capsized their small skiff Monday in Volcano Bay are in stable condition.According to U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Travis Magee, the women had symptoms of hypothermia when the Coast Guard crew reached them Tuesday morning.
Two women were rescued from a beach in Volcano Bay near Unalaska Tuesday morning. They had capsized their inflatable skiff while heading to shore after disembarking from a larger 22-foot sea dory, according to U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Commander Eddie Kalankiewicz.
Yup'ik Word of the Week
Hosted by Mathew Hunter
Hosted by Diane McEachern
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Sam Berlin
Hosted by Diane McEachern
Hosted by Ryan Cotter
Hosted by Gabby Salgado